Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Trail Bridge Update -- Fall 2023

Here is the October stakeholder update from City staff:

The project is fully funded and the contract for construction was awarded and notice to proceed occurred in September. Contractor coordination with Dominion Energy for temporary removal of trail lights near bridge is ongoing. Demolition of the existing bridge is anticipated to begin in mid to late October and landside construction substantial completion is anticipated in February 2024. Bridge fabrication and delivery continues to be scheduled for June 2024. Contract completion is July 2024 based on current forecast for bridge delivery. City staff are hopeful the fabrication time may improve as the year progresses, which could shorten the completion of the project.

To be added to the Four Mile Run Trail Bridge Stakeholder email group, contact Jack.Browand@alexandriava.gov. For additional information, visit the City's Four Mile Run Trail Bridge project webpage.