Kayak Launch Project

The Four Mile Run Conservatory Foundation is working on a project to build a public kayak and canoe launch at lower Four Mile Run in Alexandria. The launch will become part of the City of Alexandria’s 49-acre Four Mile Run Park, and it will be the first of its kind in the DC metro area, featuring a raised boardwalk ramp and gangway with ADA-compliant slopes, a wheelchair transfer platform, and a roller water entry/exit ramp, providing increased safety while launching and landing, particularly helpful for unassisted or novice paddlers.

In late 2023 the project was awarded two grants totaling $147,900, bringing the overall total funds raised to the anticipated funding needed for construction. The project will go out for competitive bid soon, and construction start is anticipated in November 2024. We continue to accept donations toward the project to help with enhancements or unanticipated cost increases.

Completed project milestones:

  • May 2024: City of Alexandria permits issued and construction document set approved
  • March 2024: US Army Corps of Engineers permits issued
  • February 2024: Virginia Marine Resources Commission permit issued
  • November 2023: NEPA Categorical Exclusion approved by the Federal Highway Administration
  • October 2023: Awarded $75,000 in grant funding through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Chesapeake WILD grant program
  • September 2023: Awarded $72,900 in grant funding through the National Park Service Chesapeake Gateways grant program
  • August 2023: Public comments received and posted
  • July 2023: Draft NEPA Categorical Exclusion documents posted for public comment
  • March 2023: Permitting contract awarded to RK&K and start of the environmental assessment/permitting process
  • January 2023: Request for quotations issued for environmental assessment and permitting
  • October 2022: Awarded $50,000 in matching funds toward project construction through the Alexandria RPCA Community Matching Grant program
  • September 2022: Awarded $300,000 in grant funding toward project construction/permitting through the Virginia Recreational Trails Program
  • June 2022: Awarded $25,000 in matching funds toward project construction through an anonymous donor
  • February 2022: Completion of engineering design
  • December 2021: 90% design plan received for review
  • Summer 2021: 30% design plan received for review
  • Spring 2021: Contracted with RK&K for the engineering design
  • Spring 2020: Fundraising for the engineering design project complete
  • June 2019: Awarded $17,590 in matching funds toward project engineering design through the Alexandria RPCA Community Matching Grant program
  • Late 2017: Project concept

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), we conducted environmental investigations to evaluate impacts of the proposed project on cultural resources, threatened and endangered species, wetland and water resources, water quality, and environmental justice. Compliance with state and federal environmental laws and regulations are summarized in the form of the draft Categorical Exclusion document and attachments, as posted below.


For inquiries about the project, please email kayaklaunch@fourmilerun.org or call 703-249-9895.