Bridge work will start soon at Four Mile Run, at several important crossings: West Glebe Road, Mount Vernon Avenue, and the southern trail bridge in Four Mile Run Park. Here's what's happening:
The trail bridge, near the baseball and softball fields, has been closed since late Summer 2021 due to decking failure and structural damage caused by vehicular use of the bridge. The hole in the decking first appeared last spring, and subsequent analysis by structural engineers indicated the bridge is unsafe. Further engineering analysis will determine whether the existing bridge abutments are in good enough condition to allow only the span to be replaced.Both the West Glebe Road and the Mount Vernon Avenue bridges were built in the 1950's and they are now urgently in need of replacement. Both bridges will have widened bridge decks that better accommodate bicycle and pedestrian lanes, and both will have art enhancements designed by Vicki Scuri from Siteworks. The West Glebe bridge project is currently at 50% design, and construction is expected to begin this summer. The span will be replaced over the existing abutments, with construction sequenced such that during construction, lane reductions will keep one side of the bridge open for vehicular and bicycle/pedestrian crossing while the other side of the bridge is removed and replaced.
The Mount Vernon Avenue bridge project will begin as soon as the West Glebe project is completed, and will proceed in a similar manner, with lane reductions maintaining the crossing for vehicles and bicycles/pedestrians as the bridge deck is replaced. As the design process begins, community input is sought on what the art enhancements could be: railings, surface textures/colors, lighting, etc. Share your ideas on the project site by April 3!