See Ospreys and more!
Explore nature in your neighborhood or park and contribute to scientific understanding of biodiversity during the
City Nature Challenge! Using the free
iNaturalist app, capture clear photos of wild plants, animals, fungi, and other living organisms, and share them with a worldwide network of hobbyists, naturalists, and scientists to learn about the nature around you. At the same time you'll be adding to a global data set that helps us understand the distribution, movement, and diversity of life on our planet.
During the City Nature Challenge, we are pleased to lead two public walks to support data collection: on Friday evening, April 30, find out what bats live in Four Mile Run Park as we look and listen for frog calls and, using an ultrasonic recorder, identify flying bats by their unique echolocation calls. On Saturday morning, May 1, join us for a bird walk along the different habitat areas of the park. See details and sign up for the Bat & Frog Walk, Bird Walk, or both!