Improve Access to Four Mile Run
This year, we embark on a project to establish an ADA-compliant water access point--a floating launch for kayaks, canoes, and other non-motorized watercraft, and a gateway to the nearby nature of Four Mile Run and the Potomac.
We are pleased to have the support of the City of Alexandria, which has committed matching funding of $16,000 toward the first phase of the project: engineering and design.
Nearby Nature in an Urban Setting
One of the best places to see the wondrous ongoing transformation at Four Mile Run is from the water. Paddling along the restored shoreline and tidal wetlands, you'll find ospreys fishing from above and catch the splash of turtles diving in as you approach. Nearby nature that ought to be accessible for all to experience.Four Mile Run Water Access Point
Some of Four Mile Run's most spectacular natural areas are best accessed from the water in a kayak, canoe, or other non-motorized watercraft. Help us establish an accessible public water access point for paddlers with your support. The Four Mile Run Conservatory Foundation is a 2019 recipient of Alexandria's Community Matching Fund, so every dollar we raise will be matched one-to-one!