Event details
Winter Cleanups along Four Mile Run and in Four Mile Run Park have proven to be very effective at removing litter and mitigating the impact of pollution in our local environment. Our land-based clean-ups will focus on some areas that are more accessible when the vegetation is dormant, and on locations where we can get to larger items, such as shopping carts, at low tide.
This cleanup will focus on the Sunnyside stream, an urbanized stream that collects storm-water from a portion of the Four Mile Run watershed that runs through the Northridge and Sunnyside neighborhoods. The stream outfalls from underground pipes just east of Mt Vernon Avenue at Four Mile Road and feeds into Four Mile Run just west of the restored wetlands. Floodgates trap litter that has collected into storm sewers from the roadways and sidewalks upstream.
Meet up at the Four Mile Run Farmers & Artisans Market before it ends at 2. The Sunnyside stream is nearby along the path.
Please RSVP at: https://sunnysideclean. eventbrite.com
(RSVPing helps us keep in touch for updates & notifications).