Join instructors from VETOGA for an early Yoga @ 4MRMarket class Sundays from 8:30am until 9:15am while contributing funds for park improvements with the Four Mile Run Conservatory Foundation. Bring your own mat & water bottle. The suggested donation is $10. For more info on all the dates or to pre-register go to: (Walk-ins also welcome).
Founded to support the revitalization and expansion of Four Mile Run Park, the Four Mile Run Farmers & Artisans Market has worked with various community partners to create a venue that is inviting, clean and a resource for the diverse neighborhood of Arlandria. And 4MRMarket funded the creation of our non-profit to improve Four Mile Run Park & Stream. Now there's another way to help Four Mile Run while Buying Fresh, Buying Local
It's not just a Farmers Market, it's a cause!! 4MRMarket helped bring about a lot of improvement to Four Mile Run Park through fund-raising and plain, old hard work. They've helped raise funds for a variety of other non-profits and helped folks of all walks of life Buy Fresh, Buy Local.
Check out 4MRMarket listings to see what's happening on Sundays this Spring! And check out the Four Mile Run Conservatory calendar while you're at it:
VETOGA’s mission is to provide yoga, meditation, and healing arts to military, veterans, their families, and communities. They accomplish this by holding free monthly yoga classes, events and veteran specific 200-Hour Teacher Trainings throughout the year. VETOGA is a non-profit based in Washington, D.C. You can help fund their teaching program on their Fundraising Campaign right now.