Invitation to Bid: Kayak Launch Construction

The Four Mile Run Conservatory Foundation has issued the following invitation to bid (ITB) to obtain bids from qualified bidders and enter a contract for construction of a kayak launch on Four Mile Run in Alexandria, Virginia. The successful bidder shall provide all goods, services, labor, supervision, bonds (required), and insurance necessary to construct the launch as described in the ITB. Attachments referenced in the ITB and addendum are also linked below.

Competitive sealed bids are due by 3pm EDT Wednesday, October 9. 

ITB 2408 Addendum (issued 9/25/2024)

ITB 2408 Document (issued 8/28/2024, includes Attachments J-1 through J-4)

Attachment J-5: Federal Highway Administration Form 1273

Attachment J-6: Construction Plan Set

Attachment J-7: Specifications - Special Provisions

Attachment J-8: US Army Corps of Engineers Permit NAO-2023-01215

Attachment J-9: Virginia Marine Resources Commission Permit 2023-2538

Attachment J-10: Prevailing wage - General Decision Number VA20240103

Attachment J-11: Approved alternative dock system details and cost estimate (BoardSafe)

Attachment J-12: Project cost estimate provided with engineering design, February 2022

Attachment J-13: Current cost estimate for design-specified dock system (EZ-Dock)

Questions: email kayaklaunch(at) and include ITB2408 in the subject line